Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Beginning

Well, this is my very first blog post. Like, ever. Unless you count having a LiveJournal and/or Xanga when I was a young teenager (I shudder at the thought of even looking at those old things, ugh!). 

So I guess first of all, I'll tell you a bit about myself. My name is Jacqui, I'm 23, "just a small town girl" from Massachusetts. I process loan applications at a local credit union for a living, and I'm satisfied with where I'm at career-wise (for now). I'm engaged to the love of my life, Jon; we met when I was 16, and I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones who found their soulmate early enough in life to be able to enjoy growing together, as individuals and as a couple. Jon is an iron worker, and I find him SO incredibly attractive (he's a bit caveman-ish, but there's just something about [young] men in construction that gets me going! You know, the kind of guy that when you see them, you just know they've been working crazy hard with their hands all day, wearing filthy ripped up clothes, beat up work boots, muscular bod covered in dirt.... mmmm...)

ANYWAY. That's not the kind of blog I'm trying to write here! I guess the main trait about myself that probably stands out most is that I'm the best friend you will ever have. I always have been the type to do anything and everything I can to help with anything I can. I can recall MANY times where I've gotten out of my warm comfortable bed in the middle of the night, (where I was contently wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets, pillows, Jon, and our adorable puppy Lucy, she's an American Blue Nose Pitbull Terrier) just to go talk to a friend who's going through a break-up, or a drunk friend who needs a ride home, anything. I'll admit, I'm a natural doormat. I know people take advantage of me for my niceness and inability to ever say "no," and I'm working on that..... but if I were to die tomorrow, I'd rather be remembered as the girl who was an amazing friend who was constantly GIVING and rarely asking or taking, than the girl who was a bitch or a flaky friend or something. 

Now. To get to the real reason why I'm writing all of this. I never really thought much about "blogging," although I've read many, and I find almost all of them to be quite interesting. But, having recently gotten engaged (and still SO ecstatic about it!), I wanted a way to not only keep track of my wedding planning process and keep organized, but a way that I would be able to look back on in the future nostalgically, or who knows, even when my future kids are getting married and need advice. I know my wedding day will always be memorable, and it will be a day I will never forget, but I'm having so much fun planning this thing that I want to be able to remember the process too. 

So, now that you know a bit about me, anyone who might be reading this, I appreciate any and all input! Tips and pointers on wedding planning, or I would REALLY appreciate tips and pointers on how to do this whole blogging thing! Like customizing the layout, header, etc....

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